Monday, September 7, 2009

Life like... Dreams

Dream... as far as I believe, everyone encounters with this, quite a lot of times. What really is that? a fictitious world, a dance by residual thoughts, or jus another creativity by brain... I think its a symbolic representation of our character. But when we talk about 'this this thing is my dream' it indicates that the person is synergistic with the concept, plan or idea and ready to perform accordingly.
Life is like bubbles
Sometimes, I thought about life... like bubbles. One appears for few seconds, just followed by second, third... some bubble might remain for longer time... just like dream. Some are floating and few gets the destination.
What is my dream.... It depends... during my childhood, I used to dreamt about having my own car, which later converted into mastering some music, during teenage I was so much fascinated by computers that, working with Microsoft as a job was my dream.
It was, till couple of months before, when I realize that pursuing something impossible is mistake, but pursuing something which is rare, needs a proper planning. Again planning needs ability to prioritize the tasks, which in turn needs time. Time. I am running short of this thing. Now after graduation (engineering by mistake) and Masters degree, now its time to take decisions. Either I have to choose research and stay away from IT industry and my dream forever, or to wait for more restless months expecting un-assured output.
I took the first option, but somehow I felt that, "am I killing my dream?" After about four days of detail thinking, I found the answer within me, "NO". When we call something a dream, we literally mean it. Instead I think, we should target the intention behind that. e.g. my dream, working with Microsoft, it indicates that working with most advanced technologies in IT, to make everyday life simpler and earning some handsome compensation as well. After my decision, I think now it might not be possible to be a part of Microsoft, but still I can do the similar job, may be in some other context.
I can recall a part of very famous poem in the same context...
and you learn to build all your roads on today,
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
and you learn
that you really can endure
you really are strong
you really do have worth
and you learn
and you learn
with every goodbye, you learn...

I am only this far and only tomorrow leads my way...


  1. Thanks a lot to all, for pointing the flaws in template.

    I'll work on new template soon..

    Now its working

  2. Everyone of us hv different nature, diff characteristics....we think differently...our activities differ,still at some point we are very alike.Nice one ....
