Friday, October 9, 2009

Let ther be light

Diwali, the annual festival of light is almost on doorsteps. I was not so active in Diwali celebrations for last two years. Being away from home, it generally brings some sort of 'homesick' feel, it resembles like a single light fighting to darkness, but never expected that the darkness will last so long. Everyone dreams, I'm not an exception. There were plans, dreams, and ideas for considering this special Diwali at home, now its shading, atleast I was thinking it the way.

But I found some different meaning of Diwali, this time.
Lonely Light
Y'day I visited a special sale, announced by a school of disabled and challenged children. Those students did a really great job, with handmade crafts, diya's & lamps. When I asked them about location of sale, there was a great smile on their face. The students were enthusiastic about showcasing their creativity and trying hard to communicate. For them, this Diwali will definitely bring the light in life.

It might not be possible to see the colors or lights for some of them, for some students, may be fireworks are only for the show, but they will get confidence that, they can do something which every other person loves, likes and appreciate. They are not creating any pollution, not spreading the smoke and noise or even worst plastic. They are spreading happiness, enthusiasm and somewhere they are trying to face the world, with smile.

This income may be the first taste of success for most of those students. They might not be aware about their uncrate talent before. Them, Diwali is bringing the light, in terms of hope, excitement, confidence and nevertheless "The Celebration Called LIFE".

LET There be LIGHT...


  1. hmm...Diwali....nice 1...especially the joy of SALE has been First time expressed by a MALE..[:P]


    Happy DIwali Neo....Fire * * *
